Picture of the earth taken from space


DIGS Data Explorer

Using data available at OpenClimate, we've conducted an initial Digitally Enabled Independent Global Stocktake exercise to spotlight the alignment and gaps between climate targets and actions of nations, regions, and cities. Join us at OpenClimate for collaborative data efforts towards an informed global climate response.

Join us at OpenClimate for collaborative efforts towards an informed global climate response.

Target Gap Visualizer

This target gap visualizer uses the OpenClimate API to illustrate the difference in reduction targets between a national actor and its subnational parts (states, provinces, or regions). The emissions graph shows the expected target emissions set by the national actor alongside the cumulative emissions of its subnational parts, using the expected target emissions set by each. If a subnational actor has not established an emissions reduction target, we use their most recent inventory emissions, thus presuming their emissions will remain at current levels. The reductions graph compares the emission reductions a national actor must attain to achieve their emissions target with the cumulative reductions of all its subnational parts. Subnational actors lacking specific reduction targets are assigned a reduction value of 0, thus assuming their emissions remain unchanged.

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Emissions for the next national target year (2030)

Last updated in 2019

Reductions for the next national target year (2030)

Last updated in 2019

Methodology used

Emissions data is from the OpenClimate API. Emissions values are derived from national or international datasets. Target values come from nationally-determined contributions (NDCs) or other public sources.


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